Monday, November 16, 2009

Red Ruby Dolly....

Well, to carry on the crochet I was doing last week, I made this cute little dolly for Grace and I'm so proud of how it came out! Grace absolutely loves it and has insisted that she sleep with it each night since I made it — she's so cute.

Not only is this dolly super cute, but I was uber organised (and feeling rather clever) and wrote a pattern to go with it! So, in the spirit of Christmas, I thought that I would offer it to my blog readers for free until the New Year, after which you will be able to purchase the pattern from my Felt shop. That way those of you that can crochet (or those of you that want to learn) can make a few of these for the lovely people in your life that may find them rather special.

Ruby was finished, but she still needed some clothes!

Ruby before her hair cut

If you would like a copy of this crochet pattern, please send me a message to bam bam creative [at] hot mail dot com with a polite request and I will get it straight to you. The pattern is for personal use only so please respect this. The only catch is that I would love to hear from you afterwards so you can let me know how you got on and maybe even see some photo's of your own Ruby Doll!

Finished! I love those telephone buttons!

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